We are moving an asp.net site to Azure Web Role and Azure Sql Database. The site is using output cache and normal Cache[xxx] (i.e. HttpRuntime.Cache). These are now stored in the classic way in the web role instance memory.
The low hanging fruit is to first start using a distributed cache for output caching. I can use in-role cache, either as co-located or with a dedicated cache role, or Redis cache. Both have outputcache providers ready made.
Are there any performance differences between the two (thee with co-located/dedicated) cache methods?
One thing to consider is that will getting the page from Redis for every pageload on every server be faster or slower than composing the page from scratch one every server every 120 seconds but inbetween just getting it from local memory?
Which will scale better when we want to start caching our own data (i.e. pocos) in a distributed cache instead of HttpRuntime.Cache?