I'm seeing mangled URL parameters coming from IE9 desktop clients. The links are sent via email, and all of the mangled URLs come from the plain-text version of the email.
I'm almost sure that it has nothing to do with my stack (django, nginx, mandrill) The values for the parameters have characters exactly transposed. The original character is the mangled one minus 13 places (eg. rznvy_cynva
= email_plain
, ubgryfpbz
= hotelscom
Here is one example of a mangled request that came through:
GET /book/48465?sid=rznvy_cynva&order=q09362qs55-741722-442521-98n2-n88s4nnr87192n&checkOut=07-17-15&affiliate=ubgryfpbz&checkIn=07-16-15 HTTP/1.1" 302 5 "-" "Mozilla/5.0 (compatible; MSIE 9.0; Windows NT 6.1; WOW64; Trident/5.0)"
- All of the requests with mangled URLs have the same user-agent as the example.
- The IP addresses associated with the mangled URLs aren't restricted to any location.
- Looking up the user-agent, this seems to be restricted to desktop Windows 7, IE9 users.