Okay, not to take away from @JoeBlow's answer, but there's some bad info in there and this was too long for a comment.
You do need to have your APK in the Alpha OR Beta release channels, but you don't have to download it (personally, we use Alpha). You can sideload it no problem. The only issues are that the APK needs to be "validated" (an hour or two, or slightly longer if it's a new app) and the version that you're loading has to be the same - i.e. if you have version 1.0.0 on the App Store, then if you have 1.0.1 on your phone, you won't be able to buy anything, with a "Product unavailable" message.
So, if you upload a basic shell to get validated, you can continue to develop and load locally to get your implementation right.
In order to test your purchases, you need to have access to the Alpha/Beta channels. You can either do this by sharing a specific link with them (Open Alpha Testing), or by setting up a specific Google Group and having them confirm by visiting a specific URL (in the form https://play.google.com/apps/testing/YOUR_APP_ID).
They only need to do this once.
You can choose which system you want to use by clicking on the relevant tab in the "APK" section of your Google Play Developer Console.
BTW, this also means that if they have automatic updates enabled, then they will automatically get any updated APK that you've pushed to the channel - keep that in mind if you occasionally see weird behaviour when trying to use the production APK and you've a new version in Alpha
Paying for purchases
You can pay for them, and get an immediate refund, buy why when you can get them for free? :)
On your Google Play Developer Console, along the left you have the options "All Applications", "Game services", "Reports", "Settings", etc. Click "Settings", there's a section called "Licence testing". You can add email addresses here, and assuming the "Licence Test Response" is "RESPOND_NORMALLY", they won't be charged for the purchase - you'll see the message "This is a test order, you will not be charged" on the purchase popup, so you know it's in effect (adding or removing an email address can take a few minutes to update).
You'll still get an email like it's a normal purchase, but they'll show up with a price of €0.00 and a non-normal transaction ID and about 2 weeks later you get another one saying your payment has been cancelled.
You do need to have a valid payment option set up though.
Signing your application
As far as I know, you do need to build a signed APK when testing (i.e. not a debug one). I haven't really tested this, as we always build signed as a matter of course, so take that one with a pinch of salt.
The bad thing about this system, is that you can't purchase using the developer account - so if your Google Play account is [email protected], you'll have to use [email protected] to actually test it. It's one of those annoying things that Google does.
There's also the initial wait, as Google doesn't really tell you when your app is validated, so it's possible that you've gotten everything working, but purchases still won't pass because you the APK still isn't ready (whether shell or production). Worst case, upload it before you leave work/go to bed and it should be fine in the morning.