I'm trying to write a program in Coq to parse a relatively simple context-free grammar (one type of parenthesis) and my general algorithm is for the parser to potentially return the remainder of a string. For example, parsing "++]>><<"
should return CBTerminated [Incr Incr] ">><<"
and then, say a parser that is parsing "[++]>><<" would be able to pick up the ">><<" and continue with that.
So obviously, the string is smaller, but convincing Coq of that is another matter. It is giving me the error
Recursive definition of parseHelper is ill-formed. [...] Recursive call to parseHelper has principal argument equal to "rest'" instead of "rest".
Which I assume means that it isn't convinced that rest' < input
in the way that it's convinced that rest < input
. (where <
means "is smaller than").
I'd thought of instead returning a count of how many characters to skip, but that seems rather inelegant and uneccessary.
Require Import Coq.Strings.String.
Require Import Coq.Strings.Ascii.
Require Import Coq.Lists.List.
Require Import ZArith.
Open Scope char_scope.
Open Scope list_scope.
Notation " [ ] " := nil (format "[ ]") : list_scope.
Notation " [ x ] " := (cons x nil) : list_scope.
Notation " [ x ; y ; .. ; z ] " := (cons x (cons y .. (cons z nil) ..)) : list_scope.
Inductive BF :=
| Incr : BF
| Decr : BF
| Left : BF
| Right : BF
| In : BF
| Out : BF
| Sequence : list BF -> BF
| While : BF -> BF.
Inductive BF_Parse_Result :=
| UnmatchedOpen
| EOFTerminated (u : list BF)
| CBTerminated (u : list BF) (rest : string).
Definition bind (val : BF) (onto : BF_Parse_Result) :=
match onto with
| UnmatchedOpen => UnmatchedOpen
| EOFTerminated values => EOFTerminated (cons val values)
| CBTerminated values rest => CBTerminated (cons val values) rest
Fixpoint parseHelper (input : string) : BF_Parse_Result :=
match input with
| EmptyString => EOFTerminated nil
| String first rest =>
match first with
| "+" => bind Incr (parseHelper rest)
| "-" => bind Decr (parseHelper rest)
| "<" => bind Left (parseHelper rest)
| ">" => bind Right (parseHelper rest)
| "," => bind In (parseHelper rest)
| "." => bind Out (parseHelper rest)
| "]" => CBTerminated nil rest
| "[" =>
match parseHelper rest with
| UnmatchedOpen => UnmatchedOpen
| EOFTerminated _ => UnmatchedOpen
| CBTerminated vals rest' =>
bind (While (Sequence vals)) (parseHelper rest')
| _ => parseHelper rest
parseHelper (length input) input
will be correct. Once you get that form working, you could start to refactor (maybe using an accumulator?) See: x80.org/collacoq/abidadadol.coq – PrindleparseHelper (length input) input
was in fact correct. – Tirolenght input
or switch to returning some sizes to have exact values, but you didn't want that. – Prindleforall n, length input <= n, "correct" parseHelper n input
to get an usable induction hypothesis. – Prindle