There are a lot of ways.
n := FDConnection1.ExecSQL('UPDATE table1 SET col1=''abc'' WHERE id<100');
Executes a SQL command and returns the number of affected rows.
FDQuery.SQL.Text:='UPDATE table1 SET col1=''abc'' WHERE id<100';
n := FDQuery.RowsAffected;
Getting DBMS Feedback
Use the TFDQuery.RowsAffected property to get the number of rows processed by the command (for example, the number of deleted rows by the DELETE command.)
Note: For MS SQL Server, RowsAffected can be unexpectedly equal to -1 when a stored procedure or a table trigger omits SET NOCOUNT ON. Then, use the TFDQuery.RecordCount property to get the number of fetched rows.
FDQuery.SQL.Text:='UPDATE table1 SET col1=''abc'' WHERE id<100';
FDQuery.SQL.Text:='SELECT changes()';
n := FDQuery.Fields[0].AsInteger;
PSExecuteStatement returns the number of rows affected by executing ASQL.
I do not know if AnyDAC implements this though.
MS SQL Server, RowsAffected can be unexpectedly equal to -1 .... SET NOCOUNT ON
ping back from 2023. I spent few days trying to graso why oneADOQuery
based kegacy app stopped working, and i even when that far to patch RTL to re-implementRowsAffected
... Today i found i already wrote about this 7 years ago... – Sausa