i can get magnitude of signal coming from .wav file , but how to get the phase of that signal too ,,, Here is the where i browse for .wav file and extract the signal
def browse_wav(self):
filepath = QtGui.QFileDialog.getOpenFileName(self, 'Single File', "C:\Users\Hanna Nabil\Documents",'*.wav')
f= str(filepath)
if f != "":
spf = wave.open(f, 'r')
import contextlib
with contextlib.closing(wave.open(f, 'r')) as f:
frames = f.getnframes()
rate = f.getframerate()
duration = frames / float(rate)
print "Duration is " , duration
# Extract Raw Audio from Wav File
self.signal = spf.readframes(-1)
self.signal = np.fromstring(self.signal, 'Int16')
self.fs = spf.getframerate()
print "Sampling Rate is " ,self.fs
# If Stereo
if spf.getnchannels() == 2:
print 'Just mono files'
#self.time = np.linspace(0, len(self.signal) / fs, num=len(self.signal))
self.time = np.linspace(0, duration, self.fs * duration)
self.xfourier = fftfreq(self.signal.size, d=self.time[1] - self.time[0])
self.yfourier = np.abs(fft(self.signal)) # signal magnitude
self.zico = self.yfourier
self.cut_signal = ifft(self.zico)