i am having problem exporting a macro, it works when in it is declared in the same package, but not when it is imported. I use Emacs, SLIME, Clozure on Windows.
Package file
(defpackage :tokenizer
(:use :common-lisp)
(:export :tokenize-with-symbols
(defpackage :csharp-parser
(:use :common-lisp :tokenizer)
(:import-from :tokenizer :with-token-and-peek :with-token))
Tokenizer file
(in-package :tokenizer)
(defmacro with-token-and-peek (&body body)
`(let ((token (current-token tokenizer))
(peek (peek-token tokenizer)))
Parser file
(in-package :csharp-parser)
(defun expression (tokenizer node-stack)
(cond ((is-number? token) (make-value-node "number" token))
((is-bool? token) (make-value-node "bool" token))
((is-identifier? token peek) (make-identifier-node tokenizer node-stack))
(t (make-ast-node :identifier "bla")))))
Gives the errors on compile:
warning: Undeclared free variable TOKENIZER::TOKENIZER (2 references)
style-warning: Unused lexical variable TOKENIZER::PEEK
style-warning: Unused lexical variable TOKENIZER::TOKEN
warning: Undeclared free variable TOKEN
etc etc etc
If i try a macroexpansion in package :csharp-parser
(macroexpand-1 '(with-token-and-peek tok))
Now like i said if i move the macros to the parser file, it compiles and works perfectly. But when i try to refactor it to the tokenizer file and export it via the package system it gives these errors, because it seems to internalize the symbol to the calling package. I have tried multiple ways via the colons, but can't get it to work.
If anybody could help me with this i would be very thankful.