Currently i have the problem that everything in Netbeans my webservice works but if i start the jar file with the command "java -jar FILENAME PARAMETERS there is the following error.
MessageBodyWriter not found for media type=application/json, type =class java.util.ArrayList, genericType=java.util.List
I need an expert do solve this problem :/. It is very strange because when i execute the jar in Netbeans it works.
<version>[0.4, 0.5)</version>
public List<Image> getImages() {
availableImages = getImageListFromDirectory(Paths.get(configuration.getProperties().get(BASE_DIR).toString()));
return availableImages;
Thanks in advice!
Best Regards
like? – DiamagneticList<Image>
into a class and return it. Or change the JSON provider to Jackson. – DiamagneticImage
is annotated with@XmlRootElement
. This is required with MOXy, as it uses JAXB under the hood – Solis