Some weird thing with telegram api. I am trying to send audio from telegram bot and by the way to change performer and title, but I can't. First of all I thoght I made a mistake, but not! I tried to do the same thing from the browser search line becouse there is no chance to do something wrong, and no results! May be you can try to do the same thing? It would be great, becouse I don't know what is wrong. I am trying to do it on Python with pyTelegramBotAPI. For example code:
import telebot
import const
#Подключаюсь к боту
bot = telebot.TeleBot(const.token)
def handle_command(message):
a = bot.send_audio(, musicurl, caption=None, duration=None, performer="Pharik", title="hfdhdfh",
bot.polling(none_stop=True, interval=0)