I'm using Luxon to show when orders will be processed. If they place an order after business hours 9am-5pm EST, I want to tell them their order will be ready at 2:00pm EST the following day.
let easternTime = luxon.DateTime.local().setZone('America/New_York');
let localTime = luxon.DateTime.local();
// Omitted/Irrelevant Logic to determine if time is after 9am-5pm EST
console.log("Business closed...turnaround next day");
console.log(easternTime.toLocal().plus({ day: 1 }).toFormat('EEE, MMM d, 2:00 a ZZZZ'));
If someone see's this message in San Francisco (PST), I'd like the time to read 11:00am PST. How would I go about accomplishing this with Luxon or some other framework?
Thank you!