I'm running Julia code which generates a plot and a text file. There exists an "Output" folder in the same folder where the code in question is located. For the first run, I create a "Run_1" folder, with "Plots" and "Data" subfolders:
fig_path = @__DIR__
After plotting, I save the figure to "Plots":
fig_name = "test_figure"
and the output file (contained within "output_matrix") is saved to "Data":
outfile_1 = fig_path*"/Output/Run_1/Data/test_data.txt"
open(outfile_1, "w") do f1
However, I want to run this code multiple times. Each time it runs, it should create a new "Run" folder in the "Output" folder, i.e. on the first run its Run_1, the second run it's Run_2, and so on. All folders from previous runs are NOT deleted. In each Run folder, there's a "Plots" and a "Data" folder, and I save the plot and data to their respective folders in each run. How can I have Julia update the file name in such a manner?
to build paths in an more portable way – Mulley