I have a vuetify data table that includes expandable rows. The only real difference I have from the demo is that I would like the item.name
column to open/close the expandable row just like the chevron icon. When I put an @click
handler on the v-slot for that column I get the error Error in v-on handler: "TypeError: expand is not a function"
. This is the only column I need to customize so I would like to not have to build out the entire <tr>
v-slot by hand. A scaled-down code example is below. Thanks.
<template v-slot:item.name="{ item, expand, isExpanded }" >
<h4 class="my-2" @click="expand(!isExpanded)">{{ item.name }} located in {{ item.depot | camelToWords }}</h4>
<template v-slot:expanded-item="{ headers, item }">
<ProductDetailExpandedRow :currentProduct="item" :headers="headers"/>
export default {
data() {
return {
headers: [
text: 'Name',
value: 'name',
text: 'Product ID',
value: 'productCode',
text: 'Stock',
value: 'stock',
6 more columns continue on here...
products: [],