I spent a long while checking all kinds of posts that did not do what I needed and your post is the closest to what I was looking for.
From my tests (with nHibernate 3) your query is not correct. Actually your criteria looks more like this in SQL :
FROM [Posts] p
LEFT JOIN [PostInteractions] i
ON p.PostId = i.PostID_TargetPost
WHERE (i.UserID_ActingUser = 202 OR i.UserID_ActingUser IS NULL)
Which returns posts/interactions only when the interaction's ActingUser is 202 or that no interaction exists for the post.
After lot more tests I finally figured it out...
Try this (vb.net) :
session.CreateCriteria(Of Posts)("p") _
.CreateCriteria("Interactions", "i", _
NHibernate.SqlCommand.JoinType.LeftOuterJoin, _
Expression.Eq("i.ActingUser", user))
There's an overload to the CreateCriteria function using a "withClause". That worked perferctly for me and I believe that it's what you're looking for too.
I know the topic's pretty old but if it can help anyone else....
Also, for great examples on nHibernate queries (it was a huge help for me): http://ayende.com/blog/4023/nhibernate-queries-examples
Have fun!