I encountered this limitation in WaitForMultipleObjects myself and came to the conclusion I had three alternatives:
- OPTION 1. Change the code to create separate threads to invoke WaitForMultipleObjects in batches less than MAXIMUM_WAIT_OBJECTS. I decided against this option, because if there are already 64+ threads fighting for the same resource, I wanted to avoid creating yet more threads if possible.
- OPTION 2. Re-implement the code using a different technique (IOCP, for example). I decided against this too because the codebase I am working on is tried, tested and stable. Also, I have better things to do!
- OPTION 3. Implement a function that splits the objects into batches less than MAXIMUM_WAIT_OBJECTS, and call WaitForMultipleObjects repeatedly in the same thread.
So, having chosen option 3 - here is the code I ended up implementing ...
class CtntThread
static DWORD WaitForMultipleObjects( DWORD, const HANDLE*, DWORD millisecs );
DWORD CtntThread::WaitForMultipleObjects( DWORD count, const HANDLE *pHandles, DWORD millisecs )
// Check if objects need to be split up. In theory, the maximum is
// MAXIMUM_WAIT_OBJECTS, but I found this code performs slightly faster
// if the object are broken down in batches smaller than this.
if ( count > 25 )
// loop continuously if infinite timeout specified
// divide the batch of handles in two halves ...
DWORD split = count / 2;
DWORD wait = ( millisecs == INFINITE ? 2000 : millisecs ) / 2;
int random = rand( );
// ... and recurse down both branches in pseudo random order
for ( short branch = 0; branch < 2 && retval == WAIT_TIMEOUT; branch++ )
if ( random%2 == branch )
// recurse the lower half
retval = CtntThread::WaitForMultipleObjects( split, pHandles, wait );
// recurse the upper half
retval = CtntThread::WaitForMultipleObjects( count-split, pHandles+split, wait );
if ( retval >= WAIT_OBJECT_0 && retval < WAIT_OBJECT_0+split ) retval += split;
while ( millisecs == INFINITE && retval == WAIT_TIMEOUT );
// call the native win32 interface
retval = ::WaitForMultipleObjects( count, pHandles, FALSE, millisecs );
// done
return ( retval );
990 * default stack size
of memory, which may lead to Out of Memory. – Elisa