The tips are good. However, the example shared is very limited.
I have an issue with the events for dynamic controls.
i have to create check box , text box , radio buttons and Combo box on click of a button. I am able to successfully create the dynamic controls.
BUT i am not able to capture the actions of each of this control, such change status of check box or radio options or changes in Dropdown text...
Adding the code for reference:
1. I should be able to capture delete Row change in the check box
2. I should be able to capture changes in Combo box
Static Controls:
1. Form: frmcharacteristics
2. Button: cmdAddCharacteristics
3. SSTab: tabDisplay
Code in Module1:
Public SR_NO As Long
Public Top_Position As Long
code in frmCharacterisitcs
Option Explicit
Dim WithEvents Ch_Delete_Row As CheckBox
Dim WithEvents Ch_SR_NO As Label
Dim WithEvents Ch_Name As TextBox
Dim WithEvents Ch_Type As ComboBox
Dim WithEvents Extended_Control As VBControlExtender
Private Sub cmdAddCharacteristics_Click()
Module1.SR_NO = Module1.SR_NO + 1
Set Ch_Delete_Row = frmCharacteristics.Controls.Add("VB.CheckBox", "Ch_Delete_Row" & (Module1.SR_NO), tabDisplay)
Ch_Delete_Row.Visible = True
Ch_Delete_Row.Top = Module1.Top_Position + 100
Ch_Delete_Row.Width = 1000
Ch_Delete_Row.Left = 500
Ch_Delete_Row.Caption = ""
Ch_Delete_Row.Height = 315
'MsgBox Ch_Delete_Row.Name
Set Ch_SR_NO = frmCharacteristics.Controls.Add("VB.Label", "Ch_SR_NO" & (Module1.SR_NO), tabDisplay)
Ch_SR_NO.Visible = True
Ch_SR_NO.Top = Module1.Top_Position + 200
Ch_SR_NO.Width = 750
Ch_SR_NO.Left = Ch_Delete_Row.Left + Ch_Delete_Row.Width + 400
Ch_SR_NO.Caption = Module1.SR_NO
Ch_SR_NO.Height = 315
Set Ch_Name = frmCharacteristics.Controls.Add("VB.TextBox", "Ch_Name" & (Module1.SR_NO), tabDisplay)
Ch_Name.Visible = True
Ch_Name.Top = Module1.Top_Position + 100
Ch_Name.Width = 2000
Ch_Name.Left = Ch_SR_NO.Left + Ch_SR_NO.Width + 200
Ch_Name.Text = ""
Ch_Name.Height = 315
Set Ch_Type = frmCharacteristics.Controls.Add("VB.ComboBox", "Ch_Type" & (Module1.SR_NO), tabDisplay)
Ch_Type.Visible = True
Ch_Type.Top = Module1.Top_Position + 100
Ch_Type.Width = 1500
Ch_Type.Left = Ch_Name.Left + Ch_Name.Width + 50
Ch_Type.Text = ""
'Ch_Type.Height = 315
Ch_Type.AddItem "Service"
Ch_Type.AddItem "Special"
Ch_Type.AddItem "Option"
Module1.Top_Position = Module1.Top_Position + 400
End Sub
Private Sub Form_Load()
Module1.SR_NO = 0
Dim Test_Line As Control
Set Test_Line = frmCharacteristics.Controls.Add("VB.Line", "LINE", frmCharacteristics)
Test_Line.Visible = True
Test_Line.X1 = 100
Test_Line.Y1 = 600
Test_Line.X2 = frmCharacteristics.Width
Test_Line.Y2 = 600
Top_Position = Test_Line.Y1
tabDisplay.Width = frmCharacteristics.Width - 1000
tabDisplay.Height = frmCharacteristics.Height - 1500
tabDisplay.Left = frmCharacteristics.Left + 200
Call set_labels
End Sub
Sub set_labels()
Dim Label_SR_NO As Control
Dim Label_Name As Control
Dim Label_Delete_Row As Control
Dim Label_Type As Control
Set Label_Delete_Row = frmCharacteristics.Controls.Add("VB.Label", "Label_Delete_Row" & (Module1.SR_NO), tabDisplay)
Label_Delete_Row.Visible = True
Label_Delete_Row.Top = Module1.Top_Position + 100
Label_Delete_Row.Width = 1000
Label_Delete_Row.Left = 300
Label_Delete_Row.Caption = "Delete(Y/N)"
Label_Delete_Row.Height = 315
Set Label_SR_NO = frmCharacteristics.Controls.Add("VB.Label", "Label_SR_NO" & (Module1.SR_NO), tabDisplay)
Label_SR_NO.Visible = True
Label_SR_NO.Top = Module1.Top_Position + 100
Label_SR_NO.Width = 750
Label_SR_NO.Left = Label_Delete_Row.Left + Label_Delete_Row.Width + 400
Label_SR_NO.Caption = "SR_NO"
Label_SR_NO.Height = 315
Set Label_Name = frmCharacteristics.Controls.Add("VB.Label", "Label_Name" & (Module1.SR_NO), tabDisplay)
Label_Name.Visible = True
Label_Name.Top = Module1.Top_Position + 100
Label_Name.Width = 2000
Label_Name.Left = Label_SR_NO.Left + Label_SR_NO.Width + 400
Label_Name.Caption = "Characteristics Name"
Label_Name.Height = 315
Set Label_Type = frmCharacteristics.Controls.Add("VB.Label", "Label_Type" & (Module1.SR_NO), tabDisplay)
Label_Type.Visible = True
Label_Type.Top = Module1.Top_Position + 100
Label_Type.Width = 1500
Label_Type.Left = Label_Name.Left + Label_Name.Width + 50
Label_Type.Caption = "Charac. Type"
Label_Type.Height = 315
Module1.Top_Position = Module1.Top_Position + 400
End Sub