I am trying to implement a 2d phase correlation algorithm in R using a recipe from Wikipedia (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Phase_correlation) in order to track the movement between 2 images. These images (frames) were captured with a camera shaking in the wind and the ultimate goal is to remove the shake in these and subsequent frames. The two example images and the R code are below:
## we will need the tiff library
## read in the tiff files
## take the fft of the first frame
F1 <- fft(f1)
## take the Conjugate fft of the second frame
F2.c <- Conj(fft(f2))
## calculate the cross power spectrum according to the wiki article
R <- (F1*F2.c)/abs(F1*F2.c)
## take the inverse fft of R
r <- fft(R,inv=TRUE)/length(R)
## because the zero valued imaginary numbers are not needed
r <- Re(r)
## show the normalized cross-correlation
## find the max in the cross correlation matrix, or the phase shift -
## between the two images
shift <- which(r==max(r),arr.ind=TRUE)
The vector shift, to my understanding, should contain information on the transitive shift (dx and dy) that best corrects these two images. However the shift variable gives dx=1 and dy=1, which I assume indicates no shift in either the x or y direction. This occurs for subsequent frames where there are visible shifts or several pixels in both the x and y direction.
Do any of y'all see an error in my code/formulas? Or do I need to try something fancier like filtering the images first before I do a phase correlation?
Cheers gals and guys!