I know this question is old, but I have just finished a project that uses python to update a powerpoint daily. Bascially every morning the python script is run and it pulls the data for that day from a database, places the data in the powerpoint, and then executes powerpoint viewer to play the powerpoint.
To asnwer your question, you would have to loop through all the Shapes on the page and check if the string you're searching for is in the shape.text. You can check to see if the shape has text by checking if shape.has_text_frame is true. This avoids errors.
Here is where things get trickey. If you were to just replace the string in shape.text with the text you want to insert, you will probably loose formatting. shape.text is actually a concatination of all the text in the shape. That text may be split into lots of 'runs', and all of those runs may have different formatting that will be lost if you write over shape.text or replace part of the string.
On the slide you have shapes, and shapes can have a text_frame, and text_frames have paragraphs (atleast one. always. even when its blank), and paragraphs can have runs. Any level can have formatting, and you have no way of determining how many runs your string is split over.
In my case I made sure that any string that was going to be replaced was in its own shape. You still have to drill all the way down to the run and set the text there so that all formatting would be preserved. Also, the string you match in shape.text may actually be spread across multiple runs, so when setting the text in the first run, I also set the text in all other runs in that paragraph to blank.
random code snippit:
from pptx import Presentation
testString = '{{thingToReplace}}'
replaceString = 'this will be inserted'
ppt = Presentation('somepptxfile.pptx')
def replaceText(shape, string,replaceString):
#this is the hard part
#you know the string is in there, but it may be across many runs
for slide in ppt.slides:
for shape in slide.shapes:
if shape.has_text_frame:
Sorry if there are any typos. Im at work.....