I am trying to set up a DLNA Controller to Control an iPush Renderer device. The iPush Renderer device is becoming very popular as many iphone DLNA controllers and even the native Airplay works perfectly well with it. It supports almost all video file formats. My DLNA controller Works with all the devices I have tested it on so far(WDTV, Intels Media Renderer, XBox360, and many other iphone Renderers) except this The iPush Renderer device.
When I use UPNPLid.dll [UPnP 1.0 Type Library (Control Point)], I get all Renderers including the iPush
UPnPDeviceFinder finder = new UPnPDeviceFinder();
UPnPDevices devs = finder.FindByType(type, 0);
Next when I try to iterate through the services of the iPush I get "COMException (0x80040501)"
foreach (var service in device.Services) {//get the right service}
I tried using Intels Device Spy and Intels Media Controller to Push to the iPush. When Play is invoked, The iPush just shows a loading screen forever. Note that the iPush works perfectly fine with all the iphone Controllers I have tested on it.
After checking the Internet for this error, I saw similar question regarding WMP and xBox giving this same exception but there was no answer.