Using ngram in Python my aim is to find out verbs and their corresponding adverbs from an input text. What I have done:
Input text:""He is talking weirdly. A horse can run fast. A big tree is there. The sun is beautiful. The place is well decorated.They are talking weirdly. She runs fast. She is talking greatly.Jack runs slow."" Code:-
`finder2 = BigramCollocationFinder.from_words(wrd for (wrd,tags) in posTagged if tags in('VBG','RB','VBN',))
scored = finder2.score_ngrams(bigram_measures.raw_freq)
print sorted(finder2.nbest(bigram_measures.raw_freq, 5))`
From my code, I got the output:
[('talking', 'greatly'), ('talking', 'weirdly'), ('weirdly', 'talking'),('runs','fast'),('runs','slow')]
which is the list of verbs and their corresponding adverbs.
What I am looking for:
I want to figure out verb and all corresponding adverbs from this. For example ('talking'- 'greatly','weirdly),('runs'-'fast','slow')etc.