I have trouble solving the following problem concerning the (simplified by limiting number of columns) data frame 'annotations' below.
# data
annotations <- read.table(text = "Obj1 Obj2 Obj3
Rater1 a b c
Rater2 a b b
Rater3 a b c", header = TRUE, stringsAsFactors = FALSE)
I would like to apply the function agree from the irr package to all combinations (not permutations) of rows, resulting in the following.
Agreement rater 1-2: 67%
Agreement rater 1-3: 100%
Agreement rater 2-3: 67%
I need to run a function on all combinations of rows and the function would need to access a number of/all columns.
I have worked out parts of the answer to the problem; I have generated a list of combinations running combn(rownames(annotations), 2)
, but I don't see how to use this list without writing inefficient for loops.
I have tried apply, as in apply(annotations, 1, agree)
, but I can only get this to work on one row, not the combinations mentioned before.
Does anyone have an idea how to proceed?
UPDATE: The following solution, based on your suggestions, works. (I have used kappa2
from the irr package instead of agree
, but the solution to the main question remains the same.)
require(irr) #require the irr library for agreement calculations
annotations <- read.table(text = "Obj1 Obj2 Obj3
Rater1 a b c
Rater2 a b b
Rater3 a b c
Rater4 c a a", header = TRUE, stringsAsFactors = FALSE)
annotations <- t(annotations) #transpose annotations (rows become columns and vice versa)
kappa_list <- combn(colnames(annotations), 2, FUN=function(x) kappa_list[[length(kappa_list)+1]] = kappa2(matrix(c(annotations[,x[1]], annotations[,x[2]]), ncol=2))$value) #fill kappa_list with all pairs of columns (combinations of 2 raters) in annotations and, per combination, add a value to kappa_list that consists of the value of kappa2 applied to the current combination of raters
kappa_list # display the list of values