I've generated pseudo-localized versions of an app's resource files (for example Order Summary and Payment
is localized as [[[[[Òŕd̂ër̊ S̀úm̂m̈år̀ý ân̈d̊ P̀áŷm̈e̊ǹt́]]]]]
) so that we can test for localizability bugs ahead of getting actual translations.
I have named them using the qps-ploc resource identifier to match the existing pseudo-locale identifier, e.g. my pseudo-localized version of Details.resx
is named Details.qps-ploc.resx
However when I add these resx files to the project, Visual Studio ignores them. If I rename them using a "real" language code (such as Details.fr-FR.resx
) then Visual Studio does create a subfolder named with this language code and builds the satellite assembly.
So it looks to me like Visual Studio rejects qps-ploc (without even a build warning). Am I missing something or can anyone suggest a way to get these qps-ploc resources built as part of my Visual Studio project?