Assuming you want to do this on an apple platform You can use CFPropertyListCreateFromStream, CFPropertyListCreateWithData or CFPropertyListCreateWithStream, which are part of the CoreFoundation framework:
All of these functions have the following argument:
format: A constant that specifies the format of the property list. See Property List Formats for possible values.
CFPropertyListCreateFromStream also has the following argument:
stream: The stream whose data contains the content. The stream must be opened and configured—this function simply reads bytes from the stream. The stream may contain any supported property list type (see Property List Formats).
The CFProperty constants definition defines the following:
enum CFPropertyListFormat {
kCFPropertyListOpenStepFormat = 1,
kCFPropertyListXMLFormat_v1_0 = 100,
kCFPropertyListBinaryFormat_v1_0 = 200
typedef enum CFPropertyListFormat CFPropertyListFormat;
This tends to indicate that the methods mentioned above can actually read binary plists.
Binary plist implementation details have also been open-sourced by Apple here.
Apple has some further sample code, the skinny of which is:
CFDataRef resourceData;
SInt32 errorCode;
Boolean status = CFURLCreateDataAndPropertiesFromResource(
kCFAllocatorDefault, fileURL, &resourceData,
NULL, NULL, &errorCode);
if (!status) {
// Handle the error
// Reconstitute the dictionary using the XML data
CFErrorRef myError;
CFPropertyListRef propertyList = CFPropertyListCreateWithData(
kCFAllocatorDefault, resourceData, kCFPropertyListImmutable, NULL, &myError);
// Handle any errors