We have the following working query using SpringBoot 1.5:
@Query(value = "SELECT DISTINCT c FROM Customer c INNER JOIN c.industry i WHERE " +
"c.role IN :roleFilter " +
"AND (:#{#industryFilter.size()} = 1 OR i.id IN :industryFilter) " +
"AND (:searchString IS NULL " +
"OR CONCAT_WS(' ', c.name, c.name2) LIKE CONCAT('%', :searchString, '%') " +
"OR CONCAT_WS(' ', c.name2, c.name) LIKE CONCAT('%', :searchString, '%')) " +
"AND (:includeDeleted = true OR c.deletedDate is NULL)",
countQuery = "SELECT COUNT(DISTINCT c) FROM Customer c INNER JOIN c.industry i WHERE " +
"c.role IN :roleFilter AND " +
"(:#{#industryFilter.size()} = 1 OR i.id IN :industryFilter) " +
"AND (:searchString IS NULL " +
"OR CONCAT_WS(' ', c.name, c.name2) LIKE CONCAT('%', :searchString, '%') " +
"OR CONCAT_WS(' ', c.name2, c.name) LIKE CONCAT('%', :searchString, '%')) " +
"AND (:includeDeleted = true OR c.deletedDate is NULL)")
Page<Customer> findCustomers(@Param("roleFilter") Set<Role> roleFilter,
@Param("industryFilter") Set<String> industryFilter,
@Param("searchString") String searchString,
@Param("includeDeleted") boolean includeDeleted, Pageable pageable);
Please note how we pass the input to the LIKE: CONCAT('%', :searchString, '%')
After upgrading from springBootVersion = '1.5.17.RELEASE'
to springBootVersion = '2.1.3.RELEASE'
(we use Gradle) that query will fail at runtime with an exception:
org.hibernate.QueryException: Named parameter not bound : includeDeleted
Replacing CONCAT('%', :searchString, '%')
with %:searchString%
fixes the problem.
The question I have is: why?
By going into debug mode and following the full callstack, I could see the parameters being correctly retrieved from the method invocation as observed in JdkDynamicAopProxy
at line 205 makes a call Object[] argsToUse = AopProxyUtils.adaptArgumentsIfNecessary(method, args);
that results in:
argsToUse = {Object[5]@15562}
0 = {HashSet@15491} size = 4
1 = {HashSet@15628} size = 1
2 = null
3 = {Boolean@15629} false
4 = {PageRequest@15490} "Page request [number: 0, size 20, sort: name: ASC,name2: ASC]"
So far so good. Then, we keep going and the method to call is also correctly resolved:
parameterTypes = {Class[5]@15802}
0 = {Class@198} "interface java.util.Set"
1 = {Class@198} "interface java.util.Set"
2 = {Class@311} "class java.lang.String"
3 = {Class@15811} "boolean"
4 = {Class@9875} "interface org.springframework.data.domain.Pageable"
Then we go a bit further and we get to RepositoryFactorySupport
line 599 calling private Object doInvoke(MethodInvocation invocation) throws Throwable
which uses private final Map<Method, RepositoryQuery> queries;
from the inner class public class QueryExecutorMethodInterceptor implements MethodInterceptor
(I am unsure when/how was this variable created and populated), which contains all the queries annotated with @Query
in my repository interface.
For our specific case, it contains an entry (last one) that matches the query I am invoking (findCustomers):
queries = {HashMap@16041} size = 3
0 = {HashMap$Node@16052} "public abstract com.swisscom.psp.domain.Customer com.swisscom.psp.repository.CustomerRepository.getOne(java.lang.String)" ->
1 = {HashMap$Node@16055} "public abstract boolean com.swisscom.psp.repository.CustomerRepository.existsWithRole(java.lang.String,java.util.Set)" ->
2 = {HashMap$Node@16058} "public abstract org.springframework.data.domain.Page com.swisscom.psp.repository.CustomerRepository.findCustomers(java.util.Set,java.util.Set,java.lang.String,boolean,org.springframework.data.domain.Pageable)" ->
And expanding that entry I can see where the error comes from, the binding for the :includeDeleted
named parameter is simply not there:
value = {SimpleJpaQuery@16060}
query = {ExpressionBasedStringQuery@16069}
query = "SELECT DISTINCT c FROM Customer c INNER JOIN c.industry i WHERE c.role IN :roleFilter AND (:__$synthetic$__1 = 1 OR i.id IN :industryFilter) AND (:searchString IS NULL OR CONCAT_WS(' ', c.name, c.name2) LIKE CONCAT('%', :searchString, '%') OR CONCAT_WS(' ', c.name2, c.name) LIKE CONCAT('%', :searchString, '%')) AND (:includeDeleted = true OR c.deletedDate is NULL)"
bindings = {ArrayList@16089} size = 6
0 = {StringQuery$InParameterBinding@16092} "ParameterBinding [name: roleFilter, position: null, expression: null]"
1 = {StringQuery$ParameterBinding@16093} "ParameterBinding [name: __$synthetic$__1, position: null, expression: #industryFilter.size()]"
2 = {StringQuery$InParameterBinding@16094} "ParameterBinding [name: industryFilter, position: null, expression: null]"
3 = {StringQuery$ParameterBinding@16095} "ParameterBinding [name: searchString, position: null, expression: null]"
4 = {StringQuery$ParameterBinding@16096} "ParameterBinding [name: searchString, position: null, expression: null]"
5 = {StringQuery$ParameterBinding@16097} "ParameterBinding [name: searchString, position: null, expression: null]"
Now, I have the fix as mentioned earlier, but I would still very much like to know the following for future reference:
- when and how is the
private final Map<Method, RepositoryQuery> queries
variable created and populated? - what exactly is causing this error? Did I miss something in the upgrade process? Am I using/mixing deprecated logic/wrong logic and should change the code further?
Our DB is MariaDB 10.1.36
EDIT: In all the places where this behaviour occurred (in some it still occurs), the unbound parameter is always the last one
EDIT2: Someone else also has a similar behaviour after the upgrade, why does this happen? reference
EDIT3: reference and also this weird behaviour has been reported. Interesting enough, I do not get the exception IF I pass already concatenated input to :searchString (eg: %SOMETHING%) and I do get the exception if I leave %:searchString% instead. And yes, moving those parameters in the end solves some errors I had with binding.
EDIT4: Maybe related bug?
Clearly there is something strange going on, so: how does this binding resolution happen exactly?
Thanks in advance and have a nice day
@Query("select u from User u where u.lastname like %:#{[0]}% and u.lastname like %:lastname%") List<User> findByLastnameWithSpelExpression(@Param("lastname") String lastname);
– Plonk