I have a state machine
public class StateMachineConfiguration extends EnumStateMachineConfigurerAdapter<Status, Event> {
public void configure(StateMachineStateConfigurer<Status, Event> states) throws Exception {
public void configure(StateMachineTransitionConfigurer<Status, Event> transitions) throws Exception {
.guard(new Guard())
.action(new ActionInvited())
.action(new ActionDeclined());
public void configure(StateMachineConfigurationConfigurer<Status, Event> config) throws Exception {
and I have a model, for example Order.
Model persists in DB. I extract model from DB, now my model has a status Order.status == INVITATION
. I want to continue processing model with statemachine, but instance of statemachine will starts processing with initial state DRAFT but I needs continue processing from status INVITATION. In other words I want to execute
.setHeader("orderId", order.id)
and execute action ActionDeclined()
. I don't want to persist a context of state machine in DB. I want to setting a state of stateMachine to state of my Model in runtime. How can I do that in right way? Using DefaultStateContext constructor or have an other, more beautiful way?