There are two main approaches:
- Decorator
- Metaclass
The idea for dataclass
is that you need to somehow get all the annotations and build that method manually from a string(I'll show you). In this scenario you have the class object created.
Available tools are:
module has get_type_hints
- you can access the class' attributes using
- you can use
to dynamically create objects. (dataclass literally does this)
from typing import get_type_hints
def my_dataclass(cls):
fn_definition = "def __init__(self, "
# building the first line of __init__
for annotation, type_ in get_type_hints(cls).items():
type_name = type_.__name__ if hasattr(type_, "__name__") else str(type_)
fn_definition += f"{annotation}: {type_name}"
if annotation in cls.__dict__:
fn_definition += f" = {cls.__dict__[annotation]}"
fn_definition += ", "
fn_definition += "):\n"
# building the body of __init__
for annotation in get_type_hints(cls):
fn_definition += f"\tself.{annotation} = {annotation}\n"
# creating the function object:
namespace = {}
exec(fn_definition, {}, namespace)
__init__ = namespace["__init__"]
cls.__init__ = __init__
return cls
class MyClass:
x: int
y: str | None
z: float = 0.1
obj = MyClass(10, 20)
def __init__(self, x: int, y: str | None, z: float = 0.1):
self.x = x
self.y = y
self.z = z
Of course this is a naive approach and has some problems but it gives you the overview of the idea. dataclass
and pydantic
(which I'll show after) do a lot of other stuff as well.
Another approach which is used by Pydantic is using a metaclass. The difference is that with decorators, the class is created first and then you extract the information you want but in metaclasses the information is available in the namespace
parameter of the __new__
"before creating that class": (I won't go to implement it because the concept is the same as before)
class MyMeta(type):
def __new__(cls, name, bases, namespace):
type_hints = namespace["__annotations__"]
default_values = {k: namespace[k] for k in type_hints if k in namespace}
class MyClass(metaclass=MyMeta):
x: int
y: str | None
z: float = 0.1
{'x': 'int', 'y': 'str | None', 'z': 'float'}
{'z': 0.1}
Now you can now check the actual source codes and follow their implementation.
Also note that there are many helpful functions in inspect
module that let's you inspect many information from objects in runtime.
method. – Unbelief