To get a particular DOM node embedded in the current web document from a TChromium instance, using its ID, you use ICefDomDocument.getElementById(). But how do you find elements by the NAME attribute? Javascript has the document.getElementsByName() method and TWebBrowser (that wraps IE) has a similar call, but I can't figure out how to do this with TChromium. I need to find some DOM elements that have NAME attributes but no ID attributes. I searched the ceflib unit and did not see anything that would do it.
Side question. If anyone has a link to a TChromium "recipes" style site or document I could use it.
UPDATE: While waiting for an answer I have come up with the following code for doing getElementsbyName(). I'd like something faster than scanning the entire DOM tree. If you see something wrong in the code let me know:
TDynamicCefDomNodeArray = array of ICefDomNode;
// Given a Chromium document interface reference and a NAME attribute to search for,
// return an array of all DOM nodes whose NAME attribute matches the desired.
function getElementsByName(ADocument: ICefDomDocument; theName: string): TDynamicCefDomNodeArray;
// Get all the elements with a particular NAME attribute value and return
// an array of them.
procedure getElementsByName1(intfParentNode: ICefDomNode; theName: string; var aryResults: TDynamicCefDomNodeArray);
oldLen: integer;
intfChildNode: ICefDomNode;
theNameAttr: string;
Result := nil;
intfChildNode := nil;
if Assigned(intfParentNode) then
// Attributes are case insensitive.
theNameAttr := intfParentNode.GetElementAttribute('name');
if AnsiSameText(theNameAttr, theName) then
// Name attribute match. Add it to the results array.
oldLen := Length(aryResults);
SetLength(aryResults, oldLen + 1);
aryResults[oldLen] := intfParentNode;
end; // if AnsiSameText(intfParentNode.Name, theName) then
// Does the parent node have children?
if intfParentNode.HasChildren then
intfChildNode := intfParentNode.FirstChild;
// Scan them.
while Assigned(intfChildNode) do
getElementsByName1(intfChildNode, theName, aryResults);
if Assigned(intfChildNode) then
intfChildNode := intfChildNode.NextSibling;
end; // if intfParentNode.HasChildren then
end; // if Assigned(intfParentNode) then
// ---------------------------------------------------------------
intfCefDomNode: ICefDomNode;
intfCefDomNode := nil;
Result := nil;
if Assigned(ADocument) then
// Check the header.
intfCefDomNode := ADocument.Document;
if Assigned(intfCefDomNode) then
// Check the parent.
getElementsByName1(intfCefDomNode, theName, Result);
end; // if Assigned(intfCefDomNode) then
end; // if Assigned(ADocoument) then
// ---------------------------------------------------------------
doesn't support Delphi 6 though (there is no package for it), but it doesn't mean it couldn't work there. I have Delphi 2009, which is also unsupported, but looking into source, there's nothing what could inhibit the usage there ;-) – Gruel