This looks like a'..')
reference issue, it is defined but it's not the mootools method...
Nothing will work if it's not pointed to the mootools method.
I would argue that ExtJS or your app has added a property id
to document, which is not a function as is likely a String or another primitive.
Pretty sure that ExtJS would not have been overwriting
, especially given that they (Sencha) employed MooTools core team dev @subtlegradient (thomas aylott) who co-wrote the Slick selector engine and helped engineer the
transition in MooTools from the simple $ in 1.11
You probably cannot do = $
to restore it as it's by reference and it's been overwritten.
Only chance is to try loading MooTools after ExtJS is loaded and started - or load MooTools, save a ref like document.$id =;
immediately after, load ExtJS and then restore it back when ready via = document.$id; delete document.$id
- still no guarantees this will run at the right time. you really need to see what modifies your document
object in web inspector (you can add a watcher)