The full exception text is:
EventSourceException: No Free Buffers available from the operating system (e.g. event rate too fast).
I am calling this method approx a million times because of recursion. It does not stop, I just get the exception text in the Output Debug windown in VS2013. But it is super slow.
private static IEnumerable<string> RecursiveFindServices(ISymbol sym, Solution sln)
List<string> list = new List<string>();
var callers = SymbolFinder.FindCallersAsync(sym, sln).Result; // this line may cause the EventSourceException (try not to call Async)
foreach(var caller in callers)
string name = GetMethodName(caller);
if (caller.CallingSymbol.ContainingType.Name.EndsWith("Test"))
if (recursiveList.Contains(name))
if (IsWebservice(caller))
list.AddRange(RecursiveFindServices(caller.CallingSymbol, sln));
return list;
Does anyone know what this exception means and how to fix it. I am assuming that the slow speed is related to this exception.
and GetMethodName()
are pure string methods.
I am running Roslyn in a VS2013 project under .NET 4.5.2, can it be related to this? I just installed this nuget package
PM> Install-Package Microsoft.CodeAnalysis
And then I had to copy over and include the following files in my project.
Microsoft.Build.Conversion.Core.dll (File Version 14.0)
Microsoft.Build.dll (File Version 14.0)
Microsoft.Build.Engine.dll (File Version 14.0)
Microsoft.Build.Framework.dll (File Version 14.0)
Microsoft.Build.Tasks.Core.dll (File Version 14.0)
Microsoft.Build.Utilities.Core.dll (File Version 14.0)
System.Threading.Tasks.Dataflow.dll (File Version 4.5.24)
Any ide how to speed up the code or find the root cause of the exception will be helpfull. //Thanks :-)
instead of usingasync/await
? You are simply wasting CPU cycles this way. – Deledda