I'm using Visual Studio Professional 2015 and I have version of the NUnit Test Adapter installed.
It doesn't discover any tests on building the following code:
namespace SmallestDivisibleIntegers
module Core =
let f n = [2..4] |> List.map (fun x -> x + n - n % x)
module Tests =
open FsUnit
open NUnit.Framework
open Core
let ``Correct answers`` () =
f 1 |> should equal [2; 3; 4]
f 4 |> should equal [6; 6; 8]
f 43 |> should equal [44; 45; 44]
f 123 |> should equal [124; 126; 124]
f 420 |> should equal [422; 423; 424]
f 31415 |> should equal [31416; 31416; 31416]
f 1081177 |> should equal [1081178; 1081179; 1081180]
let ``simple test`` () =
(1 + 1) |> should equal 2
I have referenced FsUnit (2.1.0) and NUnit (3.2.0) and the tests run fine in F# interactive.
How can I get the tests to appear in the Test Explorer?