I am trying to filter a dataframe like below
val industry_df = industry_df0.filter( col("classification_type").===("GICS") )
Me getting error
java.lang.AssertionError: assertion failed: unsafe symbol Unstable (child of <none>) in runtime reflection universe
at scala.reflect.internal.Symbols$Symbol.<init>(Symbols.scala:205)
at scala.reflect.internal.Symbols$TypeSymbol.<init>(Symbols.scala:3030)
at scala.reflect.internal.Symbols$ClassSymbol.<init>(Symbols.scala:3222)
1) What am I doing wrong here ? How to fix it?
2) When I try to do $("classification_type").===("GICS")
I am getting $ not found error , what should I include to use $ on dataframe.
3) I am trying to use join query with spark-sql but it is not working , how to debug it ? Ofcourse this query LOGIC working on oracle db.
val result_df = sparkSession.sql("""
select a.company_id, a.data_date, a.model_id, b.domicile_country_code, d.two_digit_iso_code, d.capiq_geo_name
from model_lnk a join company_filter_vals b on a.company_id=b.company_id
join reg_lnk c
join country d on c.ctry_geo_code=d.geo_code
where a.model_id in (3020,3030)
and b.model_group_id in (select model_group_id from model where model_id in (3020,3030))
""" )