Creating a custom cell with MessageKit
To make a custom cell, you have to make a cell that inherit from UICollectionViewCell
Once you have your cell, you need to tell the size of your cell. How can to do that ?
You have to make a class that inherit from MessageSizeCalculator
or CellSizeCalculator
to make a custom cell size calculator
You have to make a class that inherit from MessagesCollectionViewFlowLayout
and add you custom size calculator that will calcul the size of your cell.
You must override two method to achieve that:
to add your custom cell size calculator
cellSizeCalculatorForItem(at indexPath: IndexPath)
to choose with which cell you will use your custom cell calculator
You can see this example from the master branch:
open class CustomMessagesFlowLayout: MessagesCollectionViewFlowLayout {
open lazy var customMessageSizeCalculator = CustomMessageSizeCalculator(layout: self)
open override func cellSizeCalculatorForItem(at indexPath: IndexPath) -> CellSizeCalculator {
let message = messagesDataSource.messageForItem(at: indexPath, in: messagesCollectionView)
if case .custom = message.kind {
return customMessageSizeCalculator
return super.cellSizeCalculatorForItem(at: indexPath)
open override func messageSizeCalculators() -> [MessageSizeCalculator] {
var superCalculators = super.messageSizeCalculators()
// Append any of your custom `MessageSizeCalculator` if you wish for the convenience
// functions to work such as `setMessageIncoming...` or `setMessageOutgoing...`
return superCalculators
open class CustomMessageSizeCalculator: MessageSizeCalculator {
public override init(layout: MessagesCollectionViewFlowLayout? = nil) {
self.layout = layout
open override func sizeForItem(at indexPath: IndexPath) -> CGSize {
guard let layout = layout else { return .zero }
let collectionViewWidth = layout.collectionView?.bounds.width ?? 0
let contentInset = layout.collectionView?.contentInset ?? .zero
let inset = layout.sectionInset.left + layout.sectionInset.right + contentInset.left + contentInset.right
return CGSize(width: collectionViewWidth - inset, height: 44)
You can take a look at this issue on GitHub
Creating a cell based on MessageBubble with MessageKit
MessageContentCell is the class used by MessageKit to display your message in a chat bubble
You can create a cell by just extending this class:
import MessageKit
import UIKit
open class CustomCell: MessageContentCell {
open override func configure(with message: MessageType, at indexPath: IndexPath, and messagesCollectionView: MessagesCollectionView) {
super.configure(with: message, at: indexPath, and: messagesCollectionView)
override open func layoutAccessoryView(with attributes: MessagesCollectionViewLayoutAttributes) {
// Accessory view is always on the opposite side of avatar
If you want to extend other Cells