I'm building a simple program to use in multi processes (Threads).
My question is more to understand - when I have to use a reserved word synchronized?
Do I need to use this word in any method that affects the bone variables?
I know I can put it on any method that is not static, but I want to understand more.
thank you!
here is the code:
public class Container {
// *** data members ***
public static final int INIT_SIZE=10; // the first (init) size of the set.
public static final int RESCALE=10; // the re-scale factor of this set.
private int _sp=0;
public Object[] _data;
/************ Constructors ************/
public Container(){
_data = new Object[INIT_SIZE];
public Container(Container other) { // copy constructor
for(int i=0;i<other.size();i++) this.add(other.at(i));
/** return true is this collection is empty, else return false. */
public synchronized boolean isEmpty() {return _sp==0;}
/** add an Object to this set */
public synchronized void add (Object p){
if (_sp==_data.length) rescale(RESCALE);
_data[_sp] = p; // shellow copy semantic.
/** returns the actual amount of Objects contained in this collection */
public synchronized int size() {return _sp;}
/** returns true if this container contains an element which is equals to ob */
public synchronized boolean isMember(Object ob) {
return get(ob)!=-1;
/** return the index of the first object which equals ob, if none returns -1 */
public synchronized int get(Object ob) {
int ans=-1;
for(int i=0;i<size();i=i+1)
if(at(i).equals(ob)) return i;
return ans;
/** returns the element located at the ind place in this container (null if out of range) */
public synchronized Object at(int p){
if (p>=0 && p<size()) return _data[p];
else return null;
methods too... – Cockneyjava.util.concurrent
package. Usually, you use aBlockingQueue
implemented byLinkedBlockingQueue
. – Fiedler