I'm trying to compute the tf-idf vector cosine similarity between two columns in a Pandas dataframe. One column contains a search query, the other contains a product title. The cosine similarity value is intended to be a "feature" for a search engine/ranking machine learning algorithm.
I'm doing this in an iPython notebook and am unfortunately running into MemoryErrors and am not sure why after a few hours of digging.
My setup:
- Lenovo E560 laptop
- Core i7-6500U @ 2.50 GHz
- 16 GB Ram
- Windows 10
- Using the anaconda 3.5 kernel with a fresh update of all libraries
I've tested my code/goal on a small toy dataset as per a similar stackoverflow question thusly:
import pandas as pd
from sklearn.feature_extraction.text import TfidfVectorizer
from scipy import spatial
clf = TfidfVectorizer()
a = ['hello world', 'my name is', 'what is your name?', 'max cosine sim']
b = ['my name is', 'hello world', 'my name is what?', 'max cosine sim']
df = pd.DataFrame(data={'a':a, 'b':b})
clf.fit(df['a'] + " " + df['b'])
tfidf_a = clf.transform(df['a']).todense()
tfidf_b = clf.transform(df['b']).todense()
row_similarities = [1 - spatial.distance.cosine(tfidf_a[x],tfidf_b[x]) for x in range(len(tfidf_a)) ]
df['tfidf_cosine_similarity'] = row_similarities
This gives the following (good!) output:
a b tfidf_cosine_similarity
0 hello world my name is 0.000000
1 my name is hello world 0.000000
2 what is your name? my name is what? 0.725628
3 max cosine sim max cosine sim 1.000000
However, when I try to apply the same method to a dataframe (df_all_export) with dimensions 186,154 x 5 (where 2 of the 5 columns the query (search_term) and document (product_title) as such:
clf.fit(df_all_export['search_term'] + " " + df_all_export['product_title'])
tfidf_a = clf.transform(df_all_export['search_term']).todense()
tfidf_b = clf.transform(df_all_export['product_title']).todense()
row_similarities = [1 - spatial.distance.cosine(tfidf_a[x],tfidf_b[x]) for x in range(len(tfidf_a)) ]
df_all_export['tfidf_cosine_similarity'] = row_similarities
I get...(haven't given the whole error here but you get the idea):
MemoryError Traceback (most recent call last)
<ipython-input-27-8308fcfa8f9f> in <module>()
12 clf.fit(df_all_export['search_term'] + " " + df_all_export['product_title'])
---> 14 tfidf_a = clf.transform(df_all_export['search_term']).todense()
15 tfidf_b = clf.transform(df_all_export['product_title']).todense()
Absolutely lost on this one, but I fear the solution will be quite simple and elegant :)
Thank you in advance!