While working on this answer I noticed that it's not so trivial to properly set up Quick test framework
on Xcode properly. In my case, it took 3-4 failed attempts to finally have a working version. And still, I'm not sure where my previous attempts were wrong. Or more importantly why the questioner in that thread could have duplicate run each time. Then it also took him several attempts to finally have a working one.
I am asking if any of you have a reliable way to set up Quick Framework on Xcode using Cocoa pods (or Carthage or Git Submodule), up to running a properly working Quick test case, that you're willing to share.
How I did it before:
Here is how I created my working Quick framework on Xcode
1. I follow the step in XCTest article in RayWenderlich site to set up XCTest environment.
2. Then I add the Cocoa Pods as per installing Quick
3. Then follow instruction in Setting up your Xcode
4. Then I hacked and improvise all the rest of the way, googling for each issue I encounter after that, try this and that until it works.
(Among those steps include add Quick framework to link binary in build phase of my target)
I'm not proud to share my steps above, but I don't have a better way for now. I hope to find a better way by asking this question. It might be too much to ask.
My Podfile :
target 'PlayQuick' do
# Comment the next line if you're not using Swift and don't want to use dynamic frameworks
# Pods for PlayQuick
target 'PlayQuickTests' do
inherit! :search_paths
# Pods for testing
pod 'Quick'
pod 'Nimble'