I am starting with dotnet maui and documentation is very poor at this point. I have existing project that targets older Android API level and have the Environment ready for this. When I try to build it, I get an error,
error XA5207: Could not find android.jar for API level 31. This means the Android SDK platform for API level 31 is not installed. Either install it in the Android SDK Manager (Tools > Open Android SDK Manager...), or change the Xamarin.Android project to target an API version that is installed
I couldn't find an option to change API level.
Edit: I could find a way to target newer versions and added that as an answer, but monikers older than 30 is still not being recognized and I am getting an error,
NETSDKZZZZ: Error getting pack version: Pack 'Microsoft.Android.Ref.30' was not present in workload manifests.
is the minimum level now. – Kepi