I have made a project in cocos2d 2.0 and would like to incorporate a main menu using storyboards.
I have tried Jerrod Putnam's tutorial here on tinytimgames.com (I can't provide the link because new users are allowed only 2 links per post, but if you google "cocos2d storyboard" it is the first link) but it did not work for me. I followed it exactly (I think). I opened my cocos2d project and imported the files from his github, the CCViewController.m and .h and then created a new storyboard file and followed the tutorial. However when I ran it, it just started straight on my cocos2d game and not on the new menu I just created.
I also tried this tutorial: http://zackworkshopios.blogspot.com/2012/06/cocos2d-with-storyboard-example.html but once again it did not work for me as I do not have (or do not know where to find/get) the libcocos2d.a and libCocosDenshion.a files.
This is another tutorial I tried from fidgetware: http://fidgetware.com/Tutorials/page15/page15.html I did this tutorial but my project does not have a file called RootViewController (.m or .h) so I was not sure where to put the code that is supposed to go into those files.
There is also Ray Wenderlich's tutorial but his does not use storyboards.
If anyone can give me a solution as to why none of these are working for me or give me a step by step detailed run through of how to incorporate storyboards into my cocos2d 2.0 project, I would GREATLY appreciate it. Also Another question I have is should I start with a cocos2d 2.0 project and incorporate storyboards or should I start with a single-view application project (or a different one?) and incorporate my cocos2d 2.0 part. Thanks in advance!