This happens due to Firefox lack of function hoisting, as conceived in ECMAScript 5.
Chrome correctly assigns a value to f() before running the body of the function,
so the first version of f() is overwritten by the second one.
SpiderMonkey (Firefox’s JavaScript engine) runs the code without pre-assignin a value to f(),
so it uses the only value that encounters on its way: function f() { alert("yes"); };
what's function hoisting?
JavaScript’s function scope means that all variables declared within a function are visible
throughout the body of the function. Curiously, this means that variables are even
visible before they are declared. This feature of JavaScript is informally known as hoisting:
JavaScript code behaves as if all variable declarations in a function (but not any
associated assignments) are “hoisted” to the top of the function.
2011 - o'reilly - javascript - the definitive guide 6th edition