I have big set of urls and I want to implement an autocompletion. I don't like the complexity of the naive approach as it is linear with the set size:
for(String url: urls) if(url.startsWith(input) {doSomething();}
Now I know that in a Hash Set, the function "contains()" works in "O(1)" but there is no "containsPrefix()". Is there a simple way without using a big library like Lucene or coding it myself? I would have no problem doing it but it seems overkill for such a simple problem so I want to know if there is an existing simple solution :-)
From my computer science classes I remember a tree which consists of string fragments but I forget how it was called. It worked like this:
[car, care, carrot,carrotville]->
P.S.: How do I call the methods that returns all strings that a string is prefix of? Like if a is prefix of b, what is b to a?