I use sharekit with mail/twitter/facebook and I am really new to objective-c. sharekit works well and sends my images like it should.
in my app I have a screenshot function. I want the app to 'freeze' when a screenshot is taken, stopping to send any shake- or touch-event to the scene behind the sharekit-action. in my screenshot-layer I have three buttons which call the shareItem-methods of their specified service, like
[SHKTwitter shareItem:item];
vereything works fine 'till here. but now when the sending is finished (or canceled or errored) I need the app to 'unfreeze', sharekit should tell my app that it is allowed to listen to any touch- or shake-action again.
I am sorry but I think I don't understand the concept of using the delegate here. I mean, is 'sendDidFinish' meant to be inside a delegate? and if so, how could I tell sharekit who is its delegate? or do I have to edit the send-service classes (like SHKItem or SHKFacebook) itself?
please don't downrate me for this question. I really want to get behind this mystery...