I've the following CSV file's:
2012-07-12 15:30:09; 353.2
2012-07-12 15:45:08; 347.4
2012-07-12 16:00:08; 197.6
2012-07-12 16:15:08; 308.2
2012-07-12 16:30:09; 352.6
What I want to do is modify the value in the 2nd column...
What I already can do is extract the value and modify it this way:
cut -d ";" -f2 $1 > .tmp.csv
for num in $(cat .tmp.csv)
(echo "scale=2;$num/5" | bc -l >> .tmp2.csv)
rm .tmp.csv
rm .tmp2.csv
But I need to have column1 in that file too...
I hope one of you can give me a hint, I'm just stuck!