I am developing a gem for my Rails application, which be loaded into it through Railtie. I'm basically inserting models into into, plus libraries and a few initializers, in the old Rails app style. My main concern is not knowing exactly in the whole Rails application loading logic where I should best insert them. My requirement for it is: the gem initializers have to be loaded before the app initializers, same thing with the libs, and the initializers access lib information. In the Rails app workflow, it somehow works. My short-term workaround was the following:
module Gemname
def self.initialize_railtie
ActiveSupport.on_load :active_record do
require 'gemname/lib'
require 'gemname/initializers'
class Railtie < Rails::Railtie
initializer 'gemname.insert_into_app' do
So this way, I'm sure that the libs are loaded before the initializers. Just I'm pretty sure there is a better way to do it, namely, access some railtie hook which allows me to load my libs with the app libs and the initializers with the app initializers. Just I can't seem to be able to find them.