The documentation for quantile
(under the More About => Algorithms section) gives the exact algorithm used. Here's some python code that does it for a single quantile for a flat array, using bottleneck to do partial sorting:
import numpy as np
import botteleneck as bn
def quantile(a, prob):
Estimates the prob'th quantile of the values in a data array.
Uses the algorithm of matlab's quantile(), namely:
- Remove any nan values
- Take the sorted data as the (.5/n), (1.5/n), ..., (1-.5/n) quantiles.
- Use linear interpolation for values between (.5/n) and (1 - .5/n).
- Use the minimum or maximum for quantiles outside that range.
See also: scipy.stats.mstats.mquantiles
a = np.asanyarray(a)
a = a[np.logical_not(np.isnan(a))].ravel()
n = a.size
if prob >= 1 - .5/n:
return a.max()
elif prob <= .5 / n:
return a.min()
# find the two bounds we're interpreting between:
# that is, find i such that (i+.5) / n <= prob <= (i+1.5)/n
t = n * prob - .5
i = np.floor(t)
# partial sort so that the ith element is at position i, with bigger ones
# to the right and smaller to the left
a = bn.partsort(a, i)
if i == t: # did we luck out and get an integer index?
return a[i]
# we'll linearly interpolate between this and the next index
smaller = a[i]
larger = a[i+1:].min()
if np.isinf(smaller):
return smaller # avoid inf - inf
return smaller + (larger - smaller) * (t - i)
I only did the single-quantile, 1d case because that's all I needed. If you want several quantiles, it's probably worth just doing the full sort; to do it per-axis and knew you didn't have any nans, all you should need to do is add an axis argument to the sort and vectorize the linear interpolation bit. Doing it per-axis with nans would be a little trickier.
This code gives:
>>> quantile([ 8.60789925e-05, 1.98989354e-05 , 1.68308882e-04, 1.69379370e-04], 0.8)
and the matlab code gave 0.00016905822359999999
; the difference is 3e-20
. (which is less than machine precision)