I'm testing the component "SelectOneMenu" on a jsf page. I'm populating this component dinamically though my ManageBean (that will get all Animals from database).
I would like to know if is possible to see the user selected item of that "SelectOneMenu" (combobox), I'm trying with value="#{animalsManage.animalSelect}" but it is only called on the beginning of the page. Also, I'm using an inputText to see the value of the selected intem of the "SelectOneMenu".
What I'm doing wrong?
<h:outputText value="Select one Mets File" />
<h:selectOneMenu id="combo" value="#{animalsManage.animalSelected}">
<f:selectItem itemLabel="Select..." noSelectionOption="true"/>
<f:selectItems value="#{animalsManage.allAnimals}" />
<h:inputText id="textbox" value="#{animalsManage.animalSelected }" />
public class AnimalsManage implements Serializable {
private AnimalsFacadeREST animalsFacadeREST;
private String animalSelected;
private List< SelectItem> selectAnimals;
public List<SelectItem> getAllAnimals() {
List<Animals> al = animalsFacadeREST.findAll();
selectAnimals = new ArrayList< SelectItem>();
int i = 0;
for (Animals animal: al) {
selectAnimals.add(new SelectItem(i, animal.getName()));
return selectAnimals;
public String getAnimalSelected() {
return animalSelected;
public void setAnimalSelected(String animalSelected) {
this.animalSelected = animalSelected;
? By the way, a<h:selectOneMenu>
renders a dropdown, not a combobox. Get your terms straight. Last but not least, performing business logic in a getter is Bad. For some hints on how to use<h:selectOneMenu>
properly, check its wiki page (put your mouse on top of the[selectonemenu]
tag which you placed on the question until a black box shows up and then click therein the info link). – Trunks