I think the best way to answer this is that XRX the only web architecture that I am aware of that incorporates two important web standards: XQuery and XForms, to create portable web applications. REST is not really a W3C standard per say, but an architectural style built around simple key-value stores. REST is usually contrasted with SOAP, which does not have the inherent caching abilities of REST. Some people like to think of REST as a "standard architecture" built around another W3C standard (HTTP). HTTP standardizes GET, PUT, POST, DELETE operations that enable REST architectures.
When I coined the term XRX back in 2008 [1] I found that there were many people using this style of simple web application development but it lacked a single name like "AJAX". Because XRX avoided objects, relational databases and object-relational mapping is was much simpler to use. This simplicity caused a large increase in agility and the ability for non-programmers to participate in web application development. If knew XML and a bit of XPath you could create applications after a week or so of training.
Now with the rise of many document store databases (Mongo, Couchbase, CouchDB) there now many similar architectures that share the property of avoiding the OR-layer (e.g. JQuery, BSON and MongoDB) but they lack portability across multiple clients and servers. XRX uses many XForms front ends (XSLTForms, betterFORM, Orbeon, IBM Forms) and many database backends (eXist-db, BaseX, MarkLogic) so you have more portability of your applications.
So my short answer is "yes".
- http://www.oreillynet.com/xml/blog/2008/05/xrx_a_simple_elegant_disruptiv_1.html