You don't need to be stuck using the Access GUI table design tools. You can actually write a SQL 'script' (a semi-colon-separated list of SQL DDL commands), save it somewhere in your filesystem and then use a little bit of VBA to execute the script in Access and build up all your tables, views (queries), indexes and other constraints.
Original idea here:, but I have modified the VBA a bit to my liking:
Public Sub ExecSqlScript(fileName As String)
intF = FreeFile()
Open fileName For Input As #intF
strSql = Input(LOF(intF), #intF)
Close intF
strSql = Replace(Replace(strSql, Chr(10), " "), Chr(13), " ")
vSql = Split(strSql, "; ")
On Error GoTo MessageError
For Each s In vSql
s = Trim(s)
If Left(s, 2) <> "--" Then
Debug.Print "Execute: " & s
CurrentProject.Connection.Execute s
End If
Exit Sub
Debug.Print "ERROR: " & Err.Description
Resume Next
End Sub
So with the above you can spread out each statement over as many lines as you like; and just put a --
in front of the first line of any statement to 'comment it out'.
Using this, you then build up a script to iteratively design your database: just drop/delete and re-create your tables, views, indexes etc. as many times as you need to. Access ANSI-92 SQL, which is what the above VBA will accept, has its own syntax variations just like most other SQLs. I've put up a sample database creation script for you to get the hang of it: