I'm trying to prototype a validation rules engine using IronPython hosted in a .Net console application. I've stripped the script right down to what I believe is the basics
var engine = Python.CreateEngine();
engine.Execute("from System import *");
engine.Runtime.Globals.SetVariable("property_value", "TB Test");
engine.Runtime.Globals.SetVariable("result", true);
var sourceScope = engine.CreateScriptSourceFromString("result = property_value != None and len(property_value) >= 3");
bool result = engine.Runtime.Globals.GetVariable("result");
It can't however detect the global variables that I think I have set up. It fails when the script is executed with
global name 'property_value' is not defined
but i can check the global variables in the scope and they are there - this statement returns true when I run in in the debugger
I am a complete newbie with IronPython so apologies if this is an easy/obvious question.
The general motivation to this is creating this kind of rules engine but with a later (most recent) version of IronPython where some of the methods and signatures have changed.
scope must be imported. It's not the same as declaring a global variable accessible in any scope, at least, not in IronPython. – Clio