I am getting the following error with my database project in VS2012. The problem started when I added a custom type in my Database project in VS2012.
CREATE TYPE [dbo].[DestAttractions] AS TABLE(
[TAAttractionId] [varchar](10) NOT NULL,
[TARatingImgUrl] [varchar](256) NULL,
[TAReviewCount] [int] NULL,
[TAReviewUrl] [varchar](256) NULL)
When I try to reference the type in stored procedure which is also part of the database project
CREATE PROCEDURE [dbo].[spupd_DestinationTripAdvisorData]
@DestinationId INT,
@TAAwardImgUrl VARCHAR(256),
@Attractions dbo.DestAttractions READONLY
And build the database project I keep on getting the following error which is quite annoying since the stored procedure works flawlessly and there is no problem with the type.
SQL71501: Parameter: [dbo].[spupd_DestinationTripAdvisorData].[@Attractions] has an unresolved reference to Built-in Type [dbo].[DestAttractions]. Any pointers or help will be much appreciated.