Initially I was thinking along the same lines as @Boris and @mat. But after pondering the question for a while, another possible interpretation of the task occured to me. However, keep in mind that I am not familiar with your course material, so this is highly speculative. That being said, maybe the task description is asking to write a predicate that evaluates to true if the above property holds or to false otherwise. A predicate like that could be defined as:
val_either_or_t(X,Y,Z,true) :-
( X#=Y ; X#=Z).
val_either_or_t(X,Y,Z,false) :-
X #\= Y,
X #\= Z.
I admit the name is a little clumsy but I couldn't really come up with a better one. Anyway, it does the job according to the task interpretation I described above:
?- val_either_or_t(X,1,8,T).
T = true,
X = 1 ? ;
T = true,
X = 8 ? ;
T = false,
X in inf..0\/2..7\/9..sup
?- val_either_or_t(X,Y,Z,T).
T = true,
X = Y,
X in inf..sup ? ;
T = true,
X = Z,
X in inf..sup ? ;
T = false,
I came up with this idea because lately I was playing around with some reifying predicates that I found on Stackoverflow, and it popped into my mind that the task might be aimed in a direction where the described property could be used as a condition with such predicates. For example with if_/3 that I used a lot with (=)/3 in the condition, but why not use it with something like val_either_or_t/4. Consider the following minimal example:
somepredicate(X,Y) :-
With the respective query:
?- somepredicate(X,Y).
X = 1,
Y = condition_was_true ? ;
X = 8,
Y = condition_was_true ? ;
Y = condition_was_false,
X in inf..0\/2..7\/9..sup
This example is of course not very meaningful and only intended to illustrate how reification of the given property might be used. Also, I am using the atoms true
and false
to reify the thruth values with regard to using them with if_/3. However, you can also use 1
and 0
to reify truth values like in @mat's example. Just replace the 4th argument in the definition of val_either_or_t/4 by 1
and 0
respectively. Furthermore you might find the refinement of this idea that was suggested by @repeat in the comments interesting as well.
B #= 1 #\/ B #= 8
is probably the expected answer. – Ovoviviparous