I have an Elixir
umbrella project. Each apps in this project can be compiled into executable file using mix escript.build
I am trying to run this command from the root of umbrella project and got the following error
** (RuntimeError) Trying to access Mix.Project.app_path for an umbrella project but umbrellas have no app
I understand why this won't work. So tried to create a custom mix task at the root of the umbrella project. Since the root don't have a lib
directory, I added one and created a mix task inside it. But that is not listed in mix help
How can I define a custom mix task at the root of an umbrella project?
for each project in the umbrella, and then -- when that doesn't work -- you jump to creating a new mix task. Which means, unfortunately, that José's answer doesn't address my problem. Guess I'll open a new one. – Camey