I'm currently using VGG-S pretrained convolutional neural network provided by Lasagne library, from the following link.
I downloaded the validation dataset of ILSVRC2012 in order to do a classification task, but I saw that the ground truth values found in the file ILSVRC2012_devkit_t12_v2/data/ILSVRC2012_validation_ground_truth.txt didn't match at all the output values of the VGG-S network (softmax values).
For example: the last image ILSVRC2012_val_00050000.JPEG which is clearly a Llama, vgg-s outputs label n°355 (llama), while the ground truth label found in the file is n° 186 (Norwich terrier).
The index-to-label is the same as this one.
Can anyone please tell me where I'm wrong ? Thanks for the help.